Online Characters Counter

Speed saves time in the small things and even more in the big things

Enter text by pasting or writing in the box below to add up the number of characters
*Every type is considered a character – even a space

Characters Count: 0

Useful information

What is character counting?

Although some believe that character count is the total number of letters in the text, it is the total number of all characters, including spaces. This is especially necessary when a text or document must remain in a certain number of characters. In addition, some translators use a character count without spaces to determine the price of the translation work.

What is the difference between character count and word count?
Word count is the number of words in the text, while character count is the number of all characters in the text. If you want to learn how many characters are in the text, you must count all characters, including special characters.

How do you count characters?

To find out the number of characters in the text, you can open the document using Word. Alternatively, you can use an online tool like the character counter to count the number of characters in a document.

Does character count include spaces?

Yes. Character counting without spaces is another metric method that differs from character counting.

How can I check my character count online?

With the character counter, you can check the character count online and for free.

What is a notepad?

The character counter is a free online character counting tool. It's free to use and doesn't record what you type.

How to use the character writer?

Type or copy and paste your text into the field above. The character counter will then show you the character count, with or without spaces, and the word count.

How do I do a character count in Word for Mac?

Click Word Count on the status bar (located at the bottom of the window) to open the Word Count box. You will see statistics on both (non-space) and spaced characters.

How many characters are there in a text message?

For one SMS message, the character limit is 160 characters.

How many characters are there in a tweet?

The original character length was 140 characters for a tweet when Twitter started as an SMS-based service. In 2022, the answer to the question of how many characters are in a tweet is 280.

What is the maximum number of characters for each social network?

Here is the maximum number of characters for each social network:

Facebook: 63206 per post
Instagram: 2200 for caption
Twitter: 280 per tweet
YouTube: 70 for video title, 5000 for video description
Twitch: 150 bios

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